Talk Money Week 2024

Join BDCU for a thrilling week of events for the national 'Talk Money Week', organised by Bradford District Credit Union with our payroll and community partners.
Bradford District Credit Union was started 32 years ago and now has over 10,500 members with 4,000 staff at 34 companies saving £4.6 million and borrow £2.2 million through payroll.
By working with partners 'Money and Pensions Service', 'BD25' 'Mind in Bradford' 'Inn Churches', 'NECA' 'Bradford University' 'Oasis Academy' and 'Stop Loan Shark Team' we bring you an amazing rodshow to help you get on top of your finances.
'Do One Thing' - this year Talk Money Week is asking stakeholders, partners and businesses all over the UK to encourage their own audiences to 'Do One Thing' that could help improve their financial wellbeing. It can be from pensions to savings or to borrow safely – and to make a noise about it, so it can inspire others to do the same.
Talk Money Week Roadshow – November 2024
- Thursday, 31st October @ 9.30: NHS ‘Money SOS’ Workshop
Location: Bradford Royal Infirmary
Audience: Community practitioners and NHS staff
Topics: APR, Loan Sharks, Overdrafts, and Building Credit Scores
Link to Book: - Tuesday, 5th November: Bradford University Event
Partners: FoodSavers, Mind in Bradford, NECA Stop Gambling
Live radio coverage - Tuesday, 5th November @ 1pm: Pension & Money Webinar
Partners: MAPS, FoodSavers, Mind in Bradford, NECA
Location: Webinar Link to Book: - Thursday, 7th November: Oasis Academy Roma Community Focus
Delivering Money SOS training to staff and the community with Councillor Ralph Berry. Due to the school location, this is by INVITATION ONLY. - Friday, 8th November: Money SOS delivery to BD25 staff, Apprentices and Young Creators Group.
If your organisation wants to discuss your staff financial wellbeing training needs, feel free to contact our EDI Community Development Lead.