Money SOS ‘Train the Trainer’ Workshop For Partners

Financial wellbeing and support is an important part of the work we do at BDCU in addition to providing saving and low-cost loans to over 10,000 residents, many who are financially vulnerable.

To train up community practitioners and payroll staff, our EDI and Community Development Lead Ian delivers a Train the Trainer course called 'Money SOS' to highlight financial terms people understand the least to help people through the 'Cost of Living Crisis'.

Ian delivered a money SOS training event with VCS alliance hosted by Karmand Community Centre to educate staff at our partner organisations on how to help their clients understand money better and signpost them to a saving habit at the credit union.

Topics covered at this event were:

  1. What is APR
  2. What is a Payday Lenders
  3. The dangers of Loan Sharks
  4. How Contactless leads to debt
  5. How Overdrafts work
  6. How to build you Credit Score
  7. Savings and Loans at the Bradford District Credit Union

We received amazing feedback at the end of the event through answer sheets and evaluation forms that were provided to our clients.

This is FREE training - please contact us on if you would like this training to your staff. 

Ian has also talked about our partnership projects:


This is FREE training for partners- please contact us on if you would like this training to your staff.