Money Tips

Bradford District Credit Union helps members improve their financial wellbeing. One way we do this is by providing regular money tips. As a result, if you have been declined for a loan and / or want to improve your chances of getting accepted, please read our money tips before applying.

You can sign up to receive these straight to your inbox, simply sign up below.

Why credit searches are important

Credit searches are important. Each time you apply for a loan a lender will search your credit report. ...
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A default can stop you getting credit

A default can stop you getting credit, but what is it and what can you do about it? ...
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Are you at your credit card limit?

If you are at your credit card limit then you are more likely to be refused a loan. ...
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How to start saving

It's hard to start saving. Especially when the cost of living is going up so quickly. Here are ...
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Three ways to boost your credit score

Credit scoring can be a complex business. But this three-digit be the difference between getting accepted or declined ...
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Reducing paperwork by using Open Banking

We’ve made applying for a loan online even easier, reducing paperwork by using Open Banking. Open Banking is ...
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